

Milestone "Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic" 2: Add initial big integer implementation

Percentage done: 75%, Due date: Week 4 December 2024

A big integer type R.BigInteger provides arbitratry precision arithmetic for integers.

The following operations are supported:

Automated tests for the above functionality are provided.

Milestone "Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic" 1: Add initial big integer implementation

Percentage done: 100%, Due date: Week 4 December 2024

A big integer type R.BigInteger provides arbitratry precision arithmetic for integers.

The following operations are supported:

Automated tests for the above functionality are provided.

Milestone "Template Engine" 2: Load variable directives

Percentage done: 100%, Due date: Week 4 November 2024

The *Template Engine* tool supports directives to load the values of predefined variables. A load variable directive is of the form @{<name>} where <name> is a placeholder for an name of the form (alphabetic|'_')(alphanumeric|alphabetic|'_')*. include is forbidden as a name.

The value of the variable siteUrl is the URL of the site.

Milestone "Website" 5: Navigational elements

Percentage done: 100%, Due date: Week 1 November 2024

The website has navigational elements. These elements are located on every content page and error page but not on the landing page. The navigational elements enable the user to return the the landing page.

Milestone "Runtime" 2: Linux support

Percentage done: 0%, Due date: Week 4 December 2024

The runtime (R1) supports Linux environments. This means:

Milestone "Runtime" 1: Map data type

Percentage done: 75%, Due date: Week 4 October 2024

R1 provides a map data type.

Milestone "Machine Interface Language" 2: 2nd iteration of a parser for the L1 language

Percentage done: 0%, Due date: Week 1 November 2024

A 2nd iteration of the parser for the L1 language, a language for interfacing with the R runtime currently in the making. That 2nd iteration shall add support for the following features:

Milestone "CI/CD" 1: Run automated tests

Percentage done: 100%, Due date: Week 2 February 2024

Run automated tests both for the AppVeyor Windows build and the AppVeyor Linux build.

Archive of completed milestones

You can review completed milestones in the roadmap archive.